In Seconds


Don't Fight BAD Credit


Frequently asked questions

How does the 850 Bureau Blaster work?

It's pretty simple: 1. Upload a screenshot of the bad mark on your credit. 2. Choose why you think it's wrong. 3. Pick which credit bureau you're dealing with. We'll then make a special letter for you, using the right laws and info from your screenshot. You can print this letter or let us send it for you. This is a great way to fix your credit score!

What if they don't take the bad stuff off my credit?

If they don't remove it after a few tries, our Smart Reply button helps a lot. Just show us what the credit bureau said, and we'll make a perfect answer for you. This could be asking for proof or telling them they have to delete it. Keep doing this until your credit looks good, or try a different reason for your dispute.

Why not just dispute online?

When you dispute online, you often give up important rights, like: - Arguing against the item again. - Suing the company that reported it. - Getting a full investigation. That's why disputing online usually doesn't work as well.

Why does this work so well?

Turns out, a really well-written letter can do wonders. Credit bureaus don't want to get into legal trouble for reporting wrong stuff. So, it's easier for them to just remove it.

How long does it take for them to fix it?

Usually, credit bureaus have 30 days to fix things, 45 days if you give them more info later. But sometimes, they're slower, especially with everything going on with COVID-19. but if they don't respond in this time the account must be deleted or updated

What's credit repair, anyway?

Basically, it's sending letters to argue against mistakes on your credit report. Most people stop trying after an online dispute fails. But credit repair companies don't give up. They keep going until the mistake is gone. and they do this by mail to avoid waving their rights.