Delete Bad Credit In a Snap 

Step 1: Start by Checking Your Credit

Begin by reviewing your credit report to ensure you have access to all three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Having the account numbers available will yield the best results. You can use the 850 Credit Check service to monitor all three bureaus and receive monthly updates as long as you remain subscribed.

Step 2: Identify And Screenshot Negative Items

Locate any accounts on your report with late payments, collections, or charge-offs. Take a screenshot or copy the details of these negative items, as this will be essential for addressing them in the following steps.

Step 3: Upload and Generate a Custom Legal Document

Upload the screenshot of the account you want to correct on your credit report and select a reason for the dispute. Then, generate your custom legal document, which will serve as your formal dispute letter. This step helps you take action to address inaccuracies or issues efficiently.

Step 4: Download or Mail

Once you have generated your legal document, you can sign it and attach additional supporting documents, such as your driver's license. Then, choose either to download the document for your records or send it directly through the mail with just a click. This step ensures your dispute reaches the right hands quickly and conveniently.

Step 5: Congratulations, You're Done!

If you don't receive the response you were hoping for, don't worry! Use our Smart Reply feature to stay persistent and engaged in the process. This tool helps you manage follow-ups and ensures you continue to advocate for your credit rights effectively.


Compare Plan And Pricing

Choose The Plan That Best Suits You

  • Lite Plan:

    • Best for individuals with few negative accounts.
    • Offers essential tools for basic credit repair without the full feature set.
  • Pro Plan:

    • Ideal for those looking to maximize their credit repair efforts.
    • Provides additional tokens to address more accounts and enhanced features for greater effectiveness.
  • Max Plan:

    • Includes all the benefits of the Pro Plan.
    • Allows professionals to add their own clients, enabling them to make money while using our services.

Our pricing

Choose a Blast Plan.

All Blast Plans Include Credit Check Pro $49 Value

Blast Plan Lite


Blast Plan Pro


Blast Plan Max


850 Bureau Blaster Features:

  • 3B Credit Check Pro

    3B Credit Check Pro: Provides detailed credit reports and scores from all three major credit bureaus, helping users monitor their credit status effectively.

  • Inquiry Blast

    Inquiry Blast: Specifically targets and disputes hard inquiries on your credit report that may negatively affect your score.

  • Smart Reply

    Smart Reply: Assists users in crafting strategic responses to credit bureaus or creditors. This feature costs 1 token per use.

  • Blast

    Dispute Letter Creation, Update: Each action to create or update a dispute letter costs 1 token.

  • Mail 4 Me

    Mail 4 Me: Automates the mailing process of your dispute letters, saving time and effort. This service costs 2 tokens.

  • Tokens

    Tokens Allows users to perform various actions within the app, such as generating dispute letters.

  • Analyze Lite

    Analyze: Reviews and analyzes your credit report to identify potential inaccuracies or areas for improvement.

  • Single Account Disputes

    Single Account Dispute Letters (Lite only): Enables users to generate dispute letters for individual accounts that may have inaccuracies.

  • Multi Account Disputes

    Multi Account Dispute (Pro And Max): Allows users to handle disputes for multiple inaccuracies on their credit report at once. This feature lets users add multiple accounts and multiple reasons to a single letter, covering more ground with less effort and fewer tokens.

  • Reply Deadlines

    Reply Deadlines (Lite only): Tracks response deadlines from credit bureaus to ensure timely follow-up on disputes.

  • Identity Update

    Identity Update (Pro And Max): Updates personal information with credit bureaus to ensure all records are current and accurate.

  • Big Blast

    Big Blast (Pro And Max): A more aggressive dispute strategy designed to address multiple issues comprehensively. Users can upload their full credit report and then choose which accounts they want to challenge.

  • Creditor Blast

    Creditor Blast (Pro And Max): Engages directly with creditors, in addition to credit bureaus, to address inaccuracies.

  • Premium Letters

    Premium Letters (Pro And Max): Provides access to high-impact legal dispute letters, such as Goodwill, Cease and Desist, Demand for Action, and Intent to Sue.

  • Color Handwritten Letters

    Color Handwritten Letters (Pro And Max): Adds a personalized, impactful touch to your dispute letters, potentially increasing their effectiveness.

  • Add Clients

    Add Clients (Max only): Enables the management of credit repair actions for multiple clients, ideal for professionals.

  • Edit Client Info

    Edit Client Info (Max only): Provides the capability to update and edit client information, facilitating efficient management of multiple cases.

Boost Credit in 30 days!

•Check Credit •Attack Bad Credit •Add Perfect Credit